My streetchild project with Jajasan Setara.


2.1. Profile of Semarang City

Semarang is the capital city of Central Java, which is one of the big cities in Indonesia. Semarang becomes the center of the government, trade, and industry in the province. The geographical location of the Semarang city is in the north of Central Java coast by position in 6,5-7,10 of parallel south and in 10,5-10,35 of longitude east. Total area is 37,366.84 hectares or 373.7 km.

Semarang has a contrast region, in which has lowland (less than 10 meter from sea level and the range of hill area, which has height more than 100 meter from the sea surface. Therefore, the Semarang city is categorized into two territories, which are upper city and the low city. Semarang city is divided into 16 sub districts and 177 districts administratively.

Based on the results of the population registration in 2006, the population of Semarang city was 1,434,025 inhabitants with population growth during 2006 of 1.02% (BPS, 2007).
2.2. Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Semarang is exist both the children from the city of Semarang themselves and children from outside of the city who become victims in Semarang. Child prostitution in Semarang is one of CSEC forms that is very prominent. Trafficking of children for sexual purposes has also occurred. Semarang, in addition as sending area, it is also as transit area and receiving area. Although the case of pornography it is not prominent or not much revealed, but it has also occurred in Semarang that caused children as victims.

Various studies in Semarang that are related to CSEC which are success gathered by the research team is more focus to the form of the child prostitution and child trafficking for sexual purposes (see for example, Shalahuddin, 2000: Shalahuddin, 2004; Prabandari, 2004; ILO-IPEC, 2004; Suyanto, 2002; Ursbanki, 2006). While the study on child pornography, until this report is prepared, has not been found.

2.2.1. Child Prostitution
Child prostitution is one of CSEC forms, which is very prominent in Semarang. The existence of children who have been being prostituted in Semarang is suspected has taken place old, but there is no available written information concerning this case. Shalahuddin (2004) revealed in the early 90’s, the existence of prostituted children have been shown in the public space, particularly in around of Simpang Lima area. In the period, there were two big groups usually gathered in the close place that is around the Field of Simpang Lima and in Pahlawan Street. Based on the observation of the Semarang Street Children Association, there was recorded 57 children who have been being prostituted in Simpang Lima area in 1997, who were student in Junior High School and Senior High School. Study of Setara Foundation in 1999 (Shalahuddin, 2000) about the female street children in Semarang, recorded that 46,4% female street children had been plunged into prostitution.

Similar to some areas , there is a special term for the child who is prostituted in Semarang that is ciblek. This term is taken from the name of an agile little bird and likes to chirp in the early 90’s and Semarang community enjoyed it. Ciblek is also the abbreviation from cilik-cilik betah melek (Kecil-kecil suka bergadang) or children like to stay awake until night. Then, other term emerged, that is cilik-cilik isa digemblak (Kecil-kecil bisa menjadi simpanan) or children can be a little mistress. There is another term for adult women, it is prenjak which is taken also from a name of bird. It is the abbreviation from perempuan nunggu diajak (women who were waiting to be asked) or also the abbreviation from perempuan ngajak kenthu/bersenggama (women ask for having sex). The both of terms replace the term warrior, which is formerly used to indicate of commercial sexual worker in the street (both children and adults).

Since the middle of 1998 until 2001, the existence of children who are prostituted is prominent. This is related to the existence of children who are prostituted in the street, particularly in Simpang Lima area, where as the centre of the Semarang city and all along Pemuda Street, which is the central region of the Government.

The Harian Kompas newspaper (on July 9 2001) in its report concerning street prostitution in Semarang showed the estimated number of commercial sexual worker who operate in the streets, as follows:
a. Around Simpang Lima : Approximately 50-70 people
b. Pandanaran Street : Approximately 50 people
c. Ahmad Yani Street : Approximately 20 people
d. Pemuda Street : Approximately 20 people

(As a note, in this report called Simpang Lima area includes around of Simpang Lima, Pandanaran Street, and Ahmad Yani Street)

Based on the age, can be grouped:
a. Age under 14 years: 30%
b. Age 14 – 17 years: 50%
c. Age 17 – 20 years: 20%

Refers to classification on the age of those who are in street prostitution, the number of people who are still in the age limits of children is more than 80%. The number of children who are prostituted compares to adults also revealed in the quick study, which are carried out by IPEC-ILO in Semarang (2004). This study reveals 70% of the commercial sexual workers who operate in the street are children. This study also shows other locations which are cafes where the presence of children also prominent, it reaches 50%. Overall, it is estimated 2.237 of the commercial sexual workers in Semarang and almost half of it is children who are prostituted.

Based on the observation of Setara Foundation, the spreading prostitution in the street has been begun since the middle of 1998 when the Government of the Semarang City closed the brothels/ Sunan Kuning and Gambilangu Resos (Social Rehabilitation). Due to this closing, the commercial sexual workers moved to the streets in Semarang. Another factor that also influences is condition of economic crisis, which is worse. Thousands of workers in the industrial sector were fired. In order to fulfill the cost of living, for women become the commercial sexual prostitution is one of alternatives they can do. On the other hand, Setara Foundation pays close attention that the existence of the commercial sexual prostitution in the streets have a bad impact to female street children. Children, especially those live in the street have direct contact with the commercial sexual prostitution, the brokers, and the pimps. There are plunging female street children in the prostitution. The prostituted children also affect others children to be trapped into prostitution.

The closing of the brothels is not effective. In fact, not in a long time, both of brothels are re-opening the practice of prostitution although not having the regulation legally or otherwise is illegal. It is a surprising because the number of sexual workers is more than before closing. A social worker who works in the Sunan Kuning said that based on the data they have the number of brokers and commercial sexual worker is rising. Before Sunan Kuning was closed, it had 147 pimps and 350 commercial sexual workers. After re-opening, the amounts of them are increased to 150 pimps and 509 commercial sexual workers (Solopos 19 July 1999).

The practice of prostitution illegally in the red light areas without controlling and service from the state enable the children become the victims of CSEC by plunging them in the practice of prostitution. ILO-IPEC (2004) estimated 20% of commercial sexual worker in Sunan Kuning is children.

The existence of children who are prostituted in Semarang is not only in the streets, the café and prostitution complex, but as well as in the salon, massage parlors, discotheque, hotel, the place of billiards, and karaoke places. Prostituted children are also exist in the hidden practice of prostitution, by meaning not in one certain location nor do activity there but have connection directly with the consumers both personally or being organized.

As the illustration about this, there was revealed the sale of children for prostitution in 2001 by a woman who victimized six children who were studying in Junior High School and Senior High School. Two of these children (13 and 14 years old) are the perpetrator’s daughters. She worked with her friend whom acted as consumer seeker. “Booking” is carried by mobile phone and „orders“ will be delivered directly to consumers. The operation areas are not only in Semarang but also to various cities including Jakarta (see Suara Merdeka Newpaper, 20 November 2001 and Kompas, 26 November 2001).

Now, the existences of the child who are prostituted in the public space in Semarang are not so prominent. In the area of Simpang Lima (especially around the the Simpang Lima, Pandanaran Street and Ahmad Yani Street) which are the center of the crowd city, originally prostituted children are easily to be found. They usually are in the stalls of teapot (it is also called as pocinan) which are spreading since the economic crisis. However, the policy of the city government that makes serious effort to make this region is clean from the stall of teapot where as work place of prostitute children, apparently have succeeded. At least, the existence of the teapot stalls is not easy to be found.

Based on this situation, children who are prostituted in Simpang Lima changes their work pattern by riding motorcycle and using the service of brokers / intermediaries. This pattern means to avoid the arrest of the unit of the civil service’s police (Satpol PP).

Thing that need to be paid attention is the plunging children into prostitution in the hidden places and can only be accessed in limited. Thus, it needs the ability to uncover this kind of practice to save the children also do various prevention efforts so that children will not become victims.
2.2.2. Child Pornography

So far, there is no available data or dept information about the situation of child pornography in Semarang. Quarrying the information to various informants in the field of research more reveals the existence of internet cafes, which provides pornographic materials in the folders on their computer so that it is easy to be accessed by the consumers (including children) without accessing through internet. Information on pornography cases include the children in Semarang is not able to be traced and still can not be proven.

The research team gets information that in a settlement where one of program location of Setara Foundation, there is is a child who becomes the victim of pornography. The recording about the pornographic film, which is recorded by mobile phone, has been distributed by her boyfriend. When trying to contact the child, her family did not wan to give any information. According to the information from her neighbors, the child has been evacuated by her family to an unknown location.

Based on the information from the subjects of research, four subjects had been the victims of pornography. One subject was only victims of pornography, but not being victim of other forms of CSEC, while three others subjects besides becoming the victims of pornography, they also become victims of prostitution.

Nn (16 years), a female street child admitted she and her friend (15 years old) had been taken nude photos by foreigner who could not speak Indonesia. She was persuaded by her friend and asked to go to a house by taxi. After taking photos, she got Rp. 200,000,00.

Two subjects said they had been taken photos and recorded by their consumer.

(he seemed abnormal. When he was having sex, he took a photo. All women had been taken photos. He showed me the photos…) (Dn, 17 years old)

“It had been recorded by mobile phone. He said it for private collection…” (Jy, 23 years old)

One subject stated that she had worked three times as a semi-naked dancer in a discotheque in Semarang several years earlier.

“I was wearing uniform, red bra, black panties. Then I have to dance on the salon. When the guest gave tips, they did not put the money to my hand, but put into my bra. There was one hundred thousand, one hundred fifty thousand. When there were many guests, I could get tips one and a half million…” (Swr, 23 years old)

According to the cases above, the photography or the recording of the pornography film, which are claimed to private collections, but those things can be wide-spread quickly. Development of the technology enables that, both by mobile phones, which have a facility to send pictures and film or by internet. Various cases of spreading of the pornography material, which are revealed in Indonesia show that the subjects did not know about distribution of these materials.
2.2.3. Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes

Trafficking of children with a variety of exploitation purposes are believed has happened in a long time. However, the issue child trafficking / human trafficking is a new issue which being paid attention since 2000’s.

Indications about the existence of child trafficking particularly for sexual purposes were first raised by Setara Foundation based on its research in 1999 concerning female street children in Semarang. This refers to a case of female street children who were trafficked to Batam region (Shalahuddin, 2000). In the following year, based on the results of monitoring toward the children who became the subject of research formerly, Setara Foundation found 10 of female street children became victims of children trafficking for sexual purposes. In 2003, Setara Foundation recorded there was 14 female street children who were trafficked (Kompas, 13 December 2003). Based on the observed patterns, the recruitment and sending are carried out in small scale. It is usually about 4-6 children. The identified receiving area is Batam region. However, the research of Prabandari (2004) revealed there is the change of pattern and expansion of receiving area. The sending of children who are going to be trafficked involved in quite large number. Each sending from Semarang is in the range of 40-50 people (including children). This pattern shows the children trafficking practices has more been organized. In addition, the sending area is not only to Batam, but extends to Jakarta, Bangka, Surabaya, Kalimantan and foreign countries.

There are children trafficking cases (and women) which are uncovered by the police successfully. At the end of May 2004, District Police of Semarang and Sector Police of Ambarawa successfully arrested children trafficking syndicate (and women) which trafficked the victims into prostitution in Surabaya. The police arrested four members of the syndicate who are from Ambarawa and Surabaya. The rescue process in Surabaya, the police succeeded in saving two children (15 and 17 years old) and nine women who are in range of age between 18-24 years old. Based on the explanation of the victims, they were offered work with the salary Rp. 2,500,000.00 / month (Suara Merdeka, 1 June 2004).

Besides Semarang is the sending area, it is also receiving area for the victims of child trafficking for sexual purposes. The revealed case is case of two children who are 14 and 16 years old from Wonosobo and a child who is 15 years old from Kendal, which are trafficked to Sunan Kuning’s red light area. Based on the explanation of the victims, they were tempted because they were offered work with big salary by a man whom met them in around the victims’ residence (16 December 2004). The other case that just happened is a child (13 years old) who was raped by four people, and then she was sold and trafficked into prostitution complex in Gambilangu Semarang (Radar Semarang, 1 December 2007).

Based on the cases above, two of brothels in Semarang were legally closed in 1998, but there are practices of prostitution until now. It indicates there is no controlling towards inhabitants of the prostitution complex. In such of situation, it is possible that various children trafficking syndicates for sexual purposes take the chance in this situation.


2.1. Profile of Semarang City

Semarang is the capital city of Central Java, which is one of the big cities in Indonesia. Semarang becomes the center of the government, trade, and industry in the province. The geographical location of the Semarang city is in the north of Central Java coast by position in 6,5-7,10 of parallel south and in 10,5-10,35 of longitude east. Total area is 37,366.84 hectares or 373.7 km.

Semarang has a contrast region, in which has lowland (less than 10 meter from sea level and the range of hill area, which has height more than 100 meter from the sea surface. Therefore, the Semarang city is categorized into two territories, which are upper city and the low city. Semarang city is divided into 16 sub districts and 177 districts administratively.

Based on the results of the population registration in 2006, the population of Semarang city was 1,434,025 inhabitants with population growth during 2006 of 1.02% (BPS, 2007).
2.2. Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Semarang is exist both the children from the city of Semarang themselves and children from outside of the city who become victims in Semarang. Child prostitution in Semarang is one of CSEC forms that is very prominent. Trafficking of children for sexual purposes has also occurred. Semarang, in addition as sending area, it is also as transit area and receiving area. Although the case of pornography it is not prominent or not much revealed, but it has also occurred in Semarang that caused children as victims.

Various studies in Semarang that are related to CSEC which are success gathered by the research team is more focus to the form of the child prostitution and child trafficking for sexual purposes (see for example, Shalahuddin, 2000: Shalahuddin, 2004; Prabandari, 2004; ILO-IPEC, 2004; Suyanto, 2002; Ursbanki, 2006). While the study on child pornography, until this report is prepared, has not been found.

2.2.1. Child Prostitution
Child prostitution is one of CSEC forms, which is very prominent in Semarang. The existence of children who have been being prostituted in Semarang is suspected has taken place old, but there is no available written information concerning this case. Shalahuddin (2004) revealed in the early 90’s, the existence of prostituted children have been shown in the public space, particularly in around of Simpang Lima area. In the period, there were two big groups usually gathered in the close place that is around the Field of Simpang Lima and in Pahlawan Street. Based on the observation of the Semarang Street Children Association, there was recorded 57 children who have been being prostituted in Simpang Lima area in 1997, who were student in Junior High School and Senior High School. Study of Setara Foundation in 1999 (Shalahuddin, 2000) about the female street children in Semarang, recorded that 46,4% female street children had been plunged into prostitution.

Similar to some areas , there is a special term for the child who is prostituted in Semarang that is ciblek. This term is taken from the name of an agile little bird and likes to chirp in the early 90’s and Semarang community enjoyed it. Ciblek is also the abbreviation from cilik-cilik betah melek (Kecil-kecil suka bergadang) or children like to stay awake until night. Then, other term emerged, that is cilik-cilik isa digemblak (Kecil-kecil bisa menjadi simpanan) or children can be a little mistress. There is another term for adult women, it is prenjak which is taken also from a name of bird. It is the abbreviation from perempuan nunggu diajak (women who were waiting to be asked) or also the abbreviation from perempuan ngajak kenthu/bersenggama (women ask for having sex). The both of terms replace the term warrior, which is formerly used to indicate of commercial sexual worker in the street (both children and adults).

Since the middle of 1998 until 2001, the existence of children who are prostituted is prominent. This is related to the existence of children who are prostituted in the street, particularly in Simpang Lima area, where as the centre of the Semarang city and all along Pemuda Street, which is the central region of the Government. 

The Harian Kompas newspaper (on July 9 2001) in its report concerning street prostitution in Semarang showed the estimated number of commercial sexual worker who operate in the streets, as follows:

a. Around Simpang Lima  : Approximately 50-70 people
b. Pandanaran Street  : Approximately 50 people
c. Ahmad Yani Street  : Approximately 20 people
d. Pemuda Street   : Approximately 20 people

(As a note, in this report called Simpang Lima area includes around of Simpang Lima, Pandanaran Street, and Ahmad Yani Street)

Based on the age, can be grouped:
a. Age under 14 years: 30%
b. Age 14 – 17 years: 50%
c. Age 17 – 20 years: 20%

Refers to classification on the age of those who are in street prostitution, the number of people who are still in the age limits of children is more than 80%. The number of children who are prostituted compares to adults also revealed in the quick study, which are carried out by IPEC-ILO in Semarang (2004). This study reveals 70% of the commercial sexual workers who operate in the street are children. This study also shows other locations which are cafes where the presence of children also prominent, it reaches 50%. Overall, it is estimated 2.237 of the commercial sexual workers in Semarang and almost half of it is children who are prostituted.

Based on the observation of Setara Foundation, the spreading prostitution in the street has been begun since the middle of 1998 when the Government of the Semarang City closed the brothels/ Sunan Kuning and Gambilangu Resos (Social Rehabilitation). Due to this closing, the commercial sexual workers moved to the streets in Semarang. Another factor that also influences is condition of economic crisis, which is worse. Thousands of workers in the industrial sector were fired. In order to fulfill the cost of living, for women become the commercial sexual prostitution is one of alternatives they can do. On the other hand, Setara Foundation pays close attention that the existence of the commercial sexual prostitution in the streets have a bad impact to female street children. Children, especially those live in the street have direct contact with the commercial sexual prostitution, the brokers, and the pimps. There are plunging female street children in the prostitution. The prostituted children also affect others children to be trapped into prostitution. 

The closing of the brothels is not effective. In fact, not in a long time, both of brothels are re-opening the practice of prostitution although not having the regulation legally or otherwise is illegal. It is a surprising because the number of sexual workers is more than before closing. A social worker who works in the Sunan Kuning said that based on the data they have the number of brokers and commercial sexual worker is rising. Before Sunan Kuning was closed, it had 147 pimps and 350 commercial sexual workers. After re-opening, the amounts of them are increased to 150 pimps and 509 commercial sexual workers (Solopos 19 July 1999).

The practice of prostitution illegally in the red light areas without controlling and service from the state enable the children become the victims of CSEC by plunging them in the practice of prostitution. ILO-IPEC (2004) estimated 20% of commercial sexual worker in Sunan Kuning is children.

The existence of children who are prostituted in Semarang is not only in the streets, the café and prostitution complex, but as well as in the salon, massage parlors, discotheque, hotel, the place of billiards, and karaoke places. Prostituted children are also exist in the hidden practice of prostitution, by meaning not in one certain location nor do activity there but have connection directly with the consumers both personally or being organized.

As the illustration about this, there was revealed the sale of children for prostitution in 2001 by a woman who victimized six children who were studying in Junior High School and Senior High School. Two of these children (13 and 14 years old) are the perpetrator’s daughters. She worked with her friend whom acted as consumer seeker. “Booking” is carried by mobile phone and „orders“ will be delivered directly to consumers. The operation areas are not only in Semarang but also to various cities including Jakarta (see Suara Merdeka Newpaper, 20 November 2001 and Kompas, 26 November 2001).

Now, the existences of the child who are prostituted in the public space in Semarang are not so prominent. In the area of Simpang Lima (especially around the the Simpang Lima, Pandanaran Street and Ahmad Yani Street) which are the center of the crowd city, originally prostituted children are easily to be found. They usually are in the stalls of teapot (it is also called as pocinan) which are spreading since the economic crisis. However, the policy of the city government that makes serious effort to make this region is clean from the stall of teapot where as work place of prostitute children, apparently have succeeded. At least, the existence of the teapot stalls is not easy to be found.

Based on this situation, children who are prostituted in Simpang Lima changes their work pattern by riding motorcycle and using the service of brokers / intermediaries. This pattern means to avoid the arrest of the unit of the civil service’s police (Satpol PP).

Thing that need to be paid attention is the plunging children into prostitution in the hidden places and can only be accessed in limited. Thus, it needs the ability to uncover this kind of practice to save the children also do various prevention efforts so that children will not become victims.
2.2.2. Child Pornography

So far, there is no available data or dept information about the situation of child pornography in Semarang. Quarrying the information to various informants in the field of research more reveals the existence of internet cafes, which provides pornographic materials in the folders on their computer so that it is easy to be accessed by the consumers (including children) without accessing through internet. Information on pornography cases include the children in Semarang is not able to be traced and still can not be proven.

The research team gets information that in a settlement where one of program location of Setara Foundation, there is is a child who becomes the victim of pornography. The recording about the pornographic film, which is recorded by mobile phone, has been distributed by her boyfriend. When trying to contact the child, her family did not wan to give any information. According to the information from her neighbors, the child has been evacuated by her family to an unknown location.

Based on the information from the subjects of research, four subjects had been the victims of pornography. One subject was only victims of pornography, but not being victim of other forms of CSEC, while three others subjects besides becoming the victims of pornography, they also become victims of prostitution.

Nn (16 years), a female street child admitted she and her friend (15 years old) had been taken nude photos by foreigner who could not speak Indonesia. She was persuaded by her friend and asked to go to a house by taxi. After taking photos, she got Rp. 200,000,00.

Two subjects said they had been taken photos and recorded by their consumer.

(he seemed abnormal. When he was having sex, he took a photo. All women had been taken photos. He showed me the photos…) (Dn, 17 years old)

“It had been recorded by mobile phone. He said it for private collection…” (Jy, 23 years old)

One subject stated that she had worked three times as a semi-naked dancer in a discotheque in Semarang several years earlier.

“I was wearing uniform, red bra, black panties. Then I have to dance on the salon. When the guest gave tips, they did not put the money to my hand, but put into my bra. There was one hundred thousand, one hundred fifty thousand. When there were many guests, I could get tips one and a half million…” (Swr, 23 years old)

According to the cases above, the photography or the recording of the pornography film, which are claimed to private collections, but those things can be wide-spread quickly. Development of the technology enables that, both by mobile phones, which have a facility to send pictures and film or by internet. Various cases of spreading of the pornography material, which are revealed in Indonesia show that the subjects did not know about distribution of these materials.
2.2.3. Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes

Trafficking of children with a variety of exploitation purposes are believed has happened in a long time. However, the issue child trafficking / human trafficking is a new issue which being paid attention since 2000’s.

Indications about the existence of child trafficking particularly for sexual purposes were first raised by Setara Foundation based on its research in 1999 concerning female street children in Semarang. This refers to a case of female street children who were trafficked to Batam region (Shalahuddin, 2000). In the following year, based on the results of monitoring toward the children who became the subject of research formerly, Setara Foundation found 10 of female street children became victims of children trafficking for sexual purposes. In 2003, Setara Foundation recorded there was 14 female street children who were trafficked (Kompas, 13 December 2003). Based on the observed patterns, the recruitment and sending are carried out in small scale. It is usually about 4-6 children. The identified receiving area is Batam region. However, the research of Prabandari (2004) revealed there is the change of pattern and expansion of receiving area. The sending of children who are going to be trafficked involved in quite large number. Each sending from Semarang is in the range of 40-50 people (including children). This pattern shows the children trafficking practices has more been organized. In addition, the sending area is not only to Batam, but extends to Jakarta, Bangka, Surabaya, Kalimantan and foreign countries.

There are children trafficking cases (and women) which are uncovered by the police successfully. At the end of May 2004, District Police of Semarang and Sector Police of Ambarawa successfully arrested children trafficking syndicate (and women) which trafficked the victims into prostitution in Surabaya. The police arrested four members of the syndicate who are from Ambarawa and Surabaya. The rescue process in Surabaya, the police succeeded in saving two children (15 and 17 years old) and nine women who are in range of age between 18-24 years old. Based on the explanation of the victims, they were offered work with the salary Rp. 2,500,000.00 / month (Suara Merdeka, 1 June 2004).

Besides Semarang is the sending area, it is also receiving area for the victims of child trafficking for sexual purposes. The revealed case is case of two children who are 14 and 16 years old from Wonosobo and a child who is 15 years old from Kendal, which are trafficked to Sunan Kuning’s red light area. Based on the explanation of the victims, they were tempted because they were offered work with big salary by a man whom met them in around the victims’ residence (16 December 2004). The other case that just happened is a child (13 years old) who was raped by four people, and then she was sold and trafficked into prostitution complex in Gambilangu Semarang (Radar Semarang, 1 December 2007).

Based on the cases above, two of brothels in Semarang were legally closed in 1998, but there are practices of prostitution until now. It indicates there is no controlling towards inhabitants of the prostitution complex. In such of situation, it is possible that various children trafficking syndicates for sexual purposes take the chance in this situation.



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