Sanktionen gegen Myanmar, Google, Amerika, Myanmar und ich…

So sehen sie also auch aus die Sanktionen gegen Myanmar, Google – Amerika – Myanmar – und ich… Es wurde eine Verbindung zwischen Ihrer aktuellen IP-Adresse und einem Land hergestellt, gegen das die US-Regierung Sanktionen verhängt hat. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter…. war die Meldung welche mir bei dem besuch von AdSense angezeigt wurde. Die Sanktionen gegen Burma bestehen seit 2003. Bevor sie aufgehoben werden können, muss der Kongress in Washington über jeden einzelnen Bereich beraten, für den sie erlassen wurden, und seine Zustimmung geben. Das sag ich nur gute Nacht, Danke Amerika 😉 …


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Pyay or Prome my city in Myanmar

Pyay (Prome), here are some impressions of these wonderful little city beside the Ayeyarwady river.

Introducing Pyay (Prome),
a breezy location on the Ayeyarwady River.

Pyay was formerly known as Prome. Pyay is an important commercial center for trade between the Ayeyarwady Delta. Central and Upper Myanmar and the Rakhine (Arakan) State. Pyay is only 161 km north of Yangon travelling along a well-maintained highway by car. You can see green paddy fields along the side of the highway. Several trains run daily from Yangon on the first railway line built in Myanmar in 1877. In the last few years the railway branch lines have been extended north towards Bagan. It is a city halfway between Yangon and Bagan. Visitors can stop over in Pyay and travel on to Bagan and Mandalay. Pyay is situated on the eastern bank of the Ayeyarwady River on a lovely location.

Pyay was anglicized as Prome after the Second Anglo-Myanmar war and in ancient times was known as Thaye-khittra (Srikshetra). Srikshetra. the ancient Pyu capital about five miles to the east. is interesting place to visit because of their historical importance and archaeological sites.

Interesting Places
Interesting Places in Pyay are Shwesandaw Pagoda. Sehtetgyi Pagoda (the gigantic sitting Buddha image). Baw Baw Gyi Pagoda. Be Be Gyi Pagoda and Payama Pagoda. Other interesting places around pyay are Ahkauktaung. Shwe Myatman Paya. Shwe Nat Taung Pagoda and Shwe Bonthar Muni.
An ancient ‚Pyu‘ Capital lies 8 km south-east of Pyay ( Prome). is located about 285 km north-west of Yangon. Archaeological discoveries indicate that the city attained its height of prosperity between the 5th and 9th centuries. In Tha-ye-khit-taya. one will find palace site the prototype of Bagan vaulted temple such as Lemyethna and East Zegu. the cylinder-shaped Bawbawgyi Pagoda. Payagyi and Payama stupas each with a high conical dome and the Archaeological Museum.

The Shwesandaw Pagoda is well known in Pyay. Shwesandaw meaning the Golden Hair Relics. The Pagoda is situated on the eastern bank of Ayeyarwaddy river and Myanmar’s most venerated structure stands here. The former name of the pagoda was known to be Mya Thi Htin. It has a height of 127 feet high and standing on the plinth making a total measurement of 290 feet from the base. There are 64 surrounding smaller pagodas around the main one. There is a chamber in the southern sector of the platform housing a duplicate of the Buddha’s tooth relic of Kandy. Having been placed beside the original tooth-relic of Kandy for a time it is believed to have absorbed the aura of the original and become just as potent. The tooth-relic from the Shwesandaw Pagoda is customarily taken out from its chamber in the month of Dazaungmone (November-December) every year and ceremoniously taken on a tour of the city once every three years so that worshippers might pay homage to it and revere it with their own eyes.

Looking east from the stupa you’ll see an enormous seated Bhudda figure rising up from the treeline. From the Shwesandaw terrace you look across to the image eye-to-eye. Sehtatgyi meaning ‘Big Ten-storey’ for its height.

About a kilometer and a half from the highway turnoff by the old palace side. stands a small museum and a map of the area. Inside the museum is a colletion of artifacts collected from Srikshetra exacavations.

South of the museum. outside the city walls. are cylindrical Bawbawgyi Paya and cube-shaped Bebe Paya. Standing over 45 meters high. the brick and plaster of Bawbawgyi Paya is the oldest stupa in the area. Other cube-shaped pagodas in the area include one thought to have been used by a hermit. featuring eight Buddha reliefs along the lower half of the interior wall and a vaulted ceiling of brick. Accessible by car. Only about 6 hours drive from Yangon. There are also express buses carrying passengers everyday.

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Myanmar Goldene Zeiten voraus

…dies ist ein sehr schoene dokumentation ueber dieses wundervolle land. Ein land das mich verzaubert hat, wie Rudyard Kipling schon schrieb, ‚dies ist Burma – und es wird wie kein anderes Land sein, das du je kennenlernen wirst‘. Jeden tag erlebe ich diese besonderheit, ich erlebe menschen die anderem leben mit innigem und tiefem respekt entgegen treten, einem respekt der von innenheraus zu kommen scheint. Ich erlebe eine reinheit der menschen wie man sie sonst nur von kindern kennt, eine unschuldigkeit und naivitaet die mich einfach verzaubert hat. Nun weiss ich warum Burma das goldene land genannt wird, nicht aufgrund von wundervollen goldenen pagoden und tempeln, sondern aufgrund der herzensreinheit seiner menschen!!

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Impressions from Chin State, Burma

Deutsch und… English please see below
Impressionen aus dem Chin Staat der im westlichen Burma (Myanmar) liegt. Dieser Staat in Burma ist dünn besiedelt und bleibt eines der am wenigsten entwickelten Gebieten des Landes mit einer Armutsrate von 73% (nach den veröffentlichten Zahlen aus der ersten offiziellen Umfrage), es ist eine Bergregion mit wenigen Verkehrsverbindungen.

Impressions from Chin State which is a state located in western Burma (Myanmar). The state has a poverty rate of 73% (per released figures from the first official survey), it is a mountainous region with few transportation links. Chin State is sparsely populated and remains one of the least developed areas of the country.

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