DED’s activities are part of the overall Vietnamese-German bilateral cooperation. The following priority areas have been agreed between the Vietnamese and the German government:
- Sustainable Economic Development
- Environmental Policy, Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
- Health Care
Cooperation is based on the Vietnamese Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy, which has been recently incorporated into the Socio-Economic Development Plan for 2006 – 2010 of the Vietnamese Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI).
Our Commitment .
Within the three priority areas of Vietnamese-German bilateral development cooperation, DED assigns experts as advisors to Vietnamese partner organizations. DED specializes in the following fields:
- Technical and Vocational Education and Training
- Natural Resource Management
- Waste Water and Solid Waste Management
- Health and Disability
In order to harness additional resources for the improvement of living conditions and quality of life in Vietnam, we also work in the following fields:
- Development Partnerships with Vietnamese Enterprises
- Civil Society and Good Local Governance
Please see Fields of Work for details.
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