Dear beloved friends,
now i present you a video about our project visit in Pa Nor village in Luang Prabang Province, Laos P.D.R. We`ve already started to support our village in building a school and also we support them to get new access points for clean water; decreased waiting time at taps; drinking water and toilet facilities in the village. We set off to our village on
26/07/2010 and had some discussions with the village leaders. After that we visited the projects and could have a look at what they’ve done since our last visit. The school is nearly built and the water system is already installed. Now they build a big water reservoir in the middle of the village. Our project runs succsessfully and the village is building up its own future. Pann and I are also happy to see what only a short support can do for the families in this village. With our organisation Save the Children`s Souls Pann and I are looking forward to support other villages in this area, too. Please, my friends, help us to find donors willing to support our projects, thank you all so much.
Many greetings and have a nice day, Christian.
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