International Conference 24-26 November, Bali-Indonesia
The conference brought together expertise from TVET government agencies,TVET – APEX organisations and social partners, HRD practitioners and national andinternational skills development partner institutions, to exchange national andinternational experiences in promoting NQFs and employment oriented skillsdevelopment.
Participants (ILO, UNESCO, Worldbank,) Regional Organisations (CPSC, SEAMEO-VOCHTEC, ADB) EKONID, VCCI ( Vietnam Camber of Commerce & Industry), Trade ASS Laos, MoL China ,OVEC Thailand, TESDA Philippines, India, Sri Lanka, JICA / Korea, WBC, BiBB, UCECOM-Romania,GTZ, DED, KfW (Projects Indonesia, Laos, Vietnam).
Target, innovation Network South East Asia for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Sustainable Development.
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